Krista Collings

Dan Sulpizio
1st Vice President

Gerald O’Connor
2nd Vice President

Kerry A. Revelas

Pamela S. Clark
Asst. Treasurer

Brian Mickle


Tiffany Dolan
Executive Director


Board of Directors
1 Year Term (Expires 12/31/25)

Andrew Bellia / Past President
Bellia Print & Design

Joe O’Donnell
Fulton Bank

Brian Mickle
Fulton Bank

Beth Paglione
Cornerstone Bank

Dorothy Stubblebine
DJS Associates, Inc.

Ron Tomasetti
Fire Website Hosting & Design

Board of Directors
2 Year Term (Expires 12/31/26)

Bob Cleveland / Past President
Fulton Bank

Brian Hall
Ward Shindle & Hall

Joe Jarrett
Stat Medical Imaging @ RiverWinds

Beth Jones
Hangsterfer’s Laboratories, Inc.

Jim Philbin
Atlas Flasher

Kerry A. Revelas
Verna & Associates

Dan Sulpizio
1st Colonial Community Bank

Board of Directors
3 Year Term (Expires 12/31/27)

Krista Collings
TD Bank / Current President

Christopher Eastlack / Past President
ACE Ford

Jeffrey Morris / Past President
Morris Graphics

Jeffrey Puff
Puff, Sierzega & MacFeeters

Dr. Bernadette Spector
Gray Fox Animal Hospital

David J. Strout, Jr.
Cettei & Connell Insurance

Gerald O’Connor
Morgan Stanley

Ex-officio – 1 Year Term

John Leech - City of Woodbury

Jenna Even - Main Street Woodbury

Andrew Bell – Superintendent of Public Schools

Allen Magid - Rowan College of SJ

Tom Bianco – Glou. Co. Economic Dev.

Tara Moughan - The FAF Coalition

Life Directors

Shirley Bierbrunner - Past Executive Dir.
**Bob Shryock – “Mr. Gloucester County”
**Jack Scott - “Mr. Woodbury”
**Henry Bierbrunner / Past President
**Robert & Gertrude Brumund - Founders
**Wadsworth Cresse, 3rd / Past President
**Clayton Eastlack
**Horace “Pete” Peters
**G. Wayne Post / Past President
**John L. White